Arizona's Drug Trafficking Laws and Defense Strategies for Spring Breakers Caught with Drugs

Feature Article: The Perils of Spring Break Drug Trafficking in Arizona

Spring break is a time of excitement for college students looking to blow off some steam. Unfortunately, it’s also a time when many of them find themselves on the wrong side of the law. For those caught trafficking drugs in Arizona, the consequences can be severe.

Arizona’s Drug Trafficking Laws

Drug trafficking in Arizona is a serious crime with strict penalties. The state defines drug trafficking as “knowingly producing, transporting, or selling illegal drugs." The penalties for a drug trafficking conviction depend on the amount and type of drug involved and can include anything from probation to fines to jail time. In some cases, the consequences can even include life imprisonment.

What if the Amount I’m Caught With is Under the Threshold Limit?

Drug trafficking convictions in Arizona aren’t just about the amount of drugs involved. It’s also about intent. If the evidence shows that you were trafficking drugs, you could face serious consequences, even if the amount of drugs involved is below the threshold limit for that particular drug.

Caught with Drugs at the Airport/Border

Arizona shares a border with Mexico, making it a hotbed for drug trafficking. Customs and Border Protection agents enforce strict drug laws at all ports of entry and routinely catch drug traffickers attempting to bring drugs into the country. Anyone caught with drugs at the border or airport is subject to arrest and will face drug trafficking charges.

How Spring Breakers Can Become Unwitting Mules

Many college students attending the various spring break parties across Arizona may not even realize they’re transporting drugs. Drug dealers are known to prey on naive or unsuspecting young adults, asking them to carry things they assume are harmless (like a bottle of pills) across state lines. These unwitting mules can find themselves in serious trouble upon crossing state lines. If caught, they face arrest and drug trafficking charges.

What are the Indicators of Drug Trafficking that Police Look For?

Police in Arizona are trained to look for specific indicators of drug trafficking. These include things like rental cars with out of state tags, multiple cell phones, excessive cash, and nervous behavior, among others. If you exhibit any of these signs, it’s more likely that you’ll be pulled over and searched. Even if you’re not trafficking drugs, the search can be incredibly invasive and time-consuming.

Defense Strategies in Drug Trafficking Cases

If you’re facing drug trafficking charges, it’s important to seek the counsel of an experienced attorney. A good lawyer can help you build an appropriate defense, which can include anything from questioning the legality of the search to arguing that you were unaware of the drugs’ presence. Depending on the facts of your case, your lawyer may also be able to negotiate a plea bargain, which can result in reduced charges and penalties.

The Importance of Seeking Legal Help

If you’re facing drug trafficking charges in Arizona, don’t wait to seek legal help. The consequences of a felony drug conviction can be life-altering. Without the right legal representation, you may end up paying hefty fines, spending years in jail, and having a felony conviction on your record, which can hamper your ability to find housing, employment, and even education opportunities in the future. It’s important to have an experienced drug trafficking lawyer in your corner who can help defend your rights and mitigate the consequences of your charges.

Caught drug trafficking in Arizona over spring break? Don’t go through this alone, call Kolsrud Law Offices. Our experienced attorneys can help you build an aggressive defense and navigate the complexities of the Arizona justice system.