Prescription Drug DUI Under Arizona Law

Investigative Article

The Problem with Prescription Drug DUI in Arizona

Driving under the influence (DUI) is a crime that is taken seriously all over the world, and the United States is no exception. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), drugs are involved in about 18% of all motor vehicle driver deaths. Arizona is one of the many states in the US that prohibits driving under the influence of drugs, including prescription medication.

The Grey Area of Prescription Medication and DUI Laws

While it is clear that driving under the influence of illegal drugs is illegal, prescription medication is a grey area. Prescription drugs can make people drowsy, affect their reaction time, and alter their judgment. However, not everyone who takes prescription medication will be impaired while driving. Despite this, anyone who drives under the influence of prescription medication can be charged with DUI in Arizona.

Penalties for Prescription Drug DUI in Arizona

If you are charged and convicted of a prescription drug DUI in Arizona, the penalties can vary depending on the individual circumstances of your case. Penalties may include fines, jail time, suspension or revocation of your driver's license, and mandatory drug treatment or education programs. These penalties can have a significant impact on your life, including your ability to work, care for your family, and maintain your reputation.

The Role of Drug Recognition Experts

One of the challenges of prosecuting prescription drug DUI cases is determining whether the driver was impaired while behind the wheel. In Arizona, a drug recognition expert (DRE) may be called to assess whether a driver is under the influence of prescription medication. A DRE is a specially trained police officer who has been trained to evaluate drivers for drug impairment. DREs use a series of tests to assess whether a driver is impaired, including blood pressure checks, muscle tone tests, and eye exams.

Defenses to Prescription Drug DUI Charges

If you are facing prescription drug DUI charges, it is essential to seek legal counsel immediately. There are several defenses available, including challenging the legality of the traffic stop, disputing the validity of the DRE's assessment, or proving that the driver's medication did not impair their ability to drive. An experienced criminal defense attorney can help determine the best defense strategy for your case.

Frequently Asked Questions about Prescription Drug DUI in Arizona

  • Can you get a DUI for prescription drugs in Arizona?
  • Yes, it is illegal to drive under the influence of prescription drugs in Arizona.

  • What are the penalties for a prescription drug DUI in Arizona?
  • The penalties for a prescription drug DUI in Arizona can vary depending on the individual circumstances of your case. Penalties may include fines, jail time, the suspension or revocation of your driver's license, and mandatory drug treatment or education programs.

  • What is a drug recognition expert?
  • A drug recognition expert (DRE) is a specially trained police officer who has been trained to evaluate drivers for drug impairment.

  • What defenses are available if I am charged with a prescription drug DUI in Arizona?
  • Defenses can include challenging the legality of the traffic stop, disputing the validity of the DRE's assessment, or proving that the driver's medication did not impair their ability to drive. An experienced criminal defense attorney can help determine the best defense strategy for your case.

Contact Our Criminal Defense Attorneys in Arizona

If you have been charged with prescription drug DUI in Arizona, it is essential to seek legal counsel immediately. Our experienced criminal defense attorneys at Kolsrud Law Offices can help you understand your rights and develop a defense strategy for your case. Contact us today for a consultation.

Prescription Drug DUI-Arizona